Ghost was started in October of 1993 by Quinn (Of LambdaMOO Fame) and Razorhawk (Of Ultima/Furcadia/Dragonspires Fame), and was hosted on a server at Real/Time Communications. Originally the machine was hosted on a server called Ghostwheel (Real/Time was fond of interesting server names), but eventually after much wandering and many slow machines, GhostMOO finally found a home on, a Pentium 166 with 64 megs of ram. It stayed there until 2000, where system changes and OS problems forced a move that eventually left it running on one of the machines at 57th Street, Inc.

Ghost, or Ghostwheel, or GhostMOO as it's variously called, has been lots of things to lots of people. It has been a testbed for internet gaming ideas, a place to chat with friends, a place to kill nasty monsters with cool weapons, and a place to pretend you're someone completely different for a few hours (or a few days, as the case may be). Right now we're in the process of re-developing the entire MOO, so all this is in a state of flux.